Missions is a continuously evolving game, as new features and new missions are added. Episode I: Assault on the Alliance will eventually consist of three separate missions, including the one you have just played, and will include other enhancements such as a save game feature and high score list. However, only registered users will receive a disk with a new game application containing all three missions and the updated features at no extra cost. See the documents and the ReadMe file that accompanies this game for more information.
To register, send US$15 as cash, check, or money order along with a completed order form
(found on the last page of the game documents) to:
Michael A. Rubin
DoD Productions
1309 West Flournoy St., Suite 2
Chicago, IL 60607-3336
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for Missions, I'd like to hear them! You can contact me at the above address, or by email via Internet (U33393@uicvm.uic.edu),
CompuServe (74542,360), or AmericaOnline (DoDProdctn).